Friday, December 31, 2010

2010--It's Over

Romans 8:28 says that if we love Him, God works all things out for our good.

I have really tried to keep this in mind this past year, because it was a difficult year.

So here we are, at the end of 2010. As I write this, I am weary. I didn't have the strength to sing this morning, so I thought it would be an opportune time to reflect.

In my meditation, I found the answer to my present trial. As I thought about each month of 2010, I realized that every couple of months I made a major transition, or endured a major trial.

That's why I'm tired. And it is ok to know your limits. I haven't wanted to admit it to others, because I thought "They will think I am weak". But it is amazing what a little quiet time will do for your soul. It will clarify your present dilemmas.

Perhaps this is why in Psalm 46:10 God tells us to , "Be still and know that I am God".
In His presence, I find that I'm only human and not as far gone as I thought. He remembers I am "but dust".

So I can admit my weaknesses. I praise Him for quiet moments of rest that refresh the soul.

May 2011 be a year of entering into the rest of God in the midst of life's trials.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I Will Run

"... Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1,2

This world is full of distractions. I have realized that most of my life I have been too easily distracted. This can happen in a number of ways. Do I feel overly responsible for another's emotions or situation? Do I lack the follow-through on projects I have started? Am I lazy?

We have a race to run. That is our specific calling in life. Again, this can be a number of things, but the essence of what I am saying is this: I can not run my race if I am looking at the other runners.

Proverbs 29:25 says, "Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but those who trust in the Lord will be kept safe."

We must "fix our eyes" on Jesus! This is the only way we will run our race well.

So today, throw off any weight that you are carrying. Guilt is not of God. Shame is not of God. Jesus "ignored" the shame He suffered on the cross.

We must be confident in Who we are and Who God has called us to be!

I will run.

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Vessel of Honor

"But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and earthenware, and some for honorable and noble [use] and some for menial and ignoble [use].

So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.

Shun youthful lusts and flee from them, and aim at and pursue righteousness (all that is virtuous and good, right living, conformity to the will of God in thought, word, and deed); [and aim at and pursue] faith, love, [and] peace (harmony and concord with others) in fellowship with all [Christians], who call upon the Lord out of a pure heart." --2 Timothy 2:20-22

In today's society, especially our captivating world of media, we can get caught up in what the world says is acceptable and ignore the life giving truth of God's word.

It's not like God is just saying "Don't do this and that"...He gives us the right things to aim after and pursue. He gives us direction as to what we should be focusing on--Faith, love, peace, unity and fellowship with the Body of Christ.

Psalm 101:6 says, "My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land." God gives us Christian brothers and sisters to encourage us and spur us on.

May we take this challenge from the Lord seriously. In the depths of our being, let's pursue righteousness, faith, love and that we may be a vessel of honor for the Lord.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I am starting over. Again. Discovering our life's purpose is not easy sometimes.

For me, it means erasing the chalkboard of life and starting over. It comes at a time in my life where outwardly I am starting over too.

This is a good thing. No one knows what I am capable of, or what my experiences have been unless I tell them. For all they know, I could be a rocket scientist!

But in a way it is difficult. That place of performance and service was almost like a security blanket, and sometimes a way for me to "feel" close to God. I often mistook service for intimacy.

So here's what square one looks like: effortless.

Galatians 3:3 says, "Are you so foolish and so senseless and so silly? Having begun {your new life spiritually} with the Holy Spirit, are you now reaching perfection {by dependence} on the flesh?"
My old mode was one of performance. Am I doing "good" in all categories? Family, friendships, church work, my work, etc?

And now I am to be effortless. This doesn't mean not cleaning or cooking (I wish!) this means I approach life as Psalm 23:1 puts it. He leads me. Not me, or another, or my previous performance oriented personality.

My husband, a software engineer, might say that God is re-writing my code.
And He is!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stand Up & Fight!

So many years I have been quiet. Silent to abuse, injustice and evil men.
It's one thing to overlook a fault, because everyone makes mistakes. It's another thing to let bad behavior continue, destroying hearts and families.

Recently, the Lord has given me several verses to support the art of war.
Psalm 144:1 says, "Blessed be the Lord my Rock who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight." In Isaiah 41:14 He promises to make me into a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth. So sharp in fact, in verse 15 it says I can make hills to be like chaff.

That's pretty amazing. It's time to stand up and fight. Edmund Burke, the father of Modern Conservatism said, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

I'm not saying to go around picking fights. But we must know that there is a time for war and a time for peace (Ecclesiastes 3:8). Stand up and fight!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Get out of that RUT!

I have been thinking about ruts lately. defines a rut as, " A sunken track or groove made by the passage of vehicles; a fixed, usually boring routine."

I do not want to get stuck in a rut in my life! As human beings we have to constantly remind ourselves that life is all about change. When we refuse to change, or flow with the changes God brings our way, then we cease to grow as an individual.

We like predictability. However, the only thing predictable in this world is the character of God. We trust Him. We depend on him, moving with Holy Spirit.

So, today--break out of that rut!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Considering the Body

Up early...reflecting on the past several years and those people who have really impacted my life. I've moved a few times, but mostly to do missions or go to college. But this time it feels different. I took a wrong turn yesterday and ended up going past the house where I grew up. I said "goodbye".

I'm sure we will be back to visit, but I feel a major season change. 1 Corinthians 12:25-27 says,

"So that there should be no division or discord or lack of adaptation [of the parts of the body to each other], but the members all alike should have a mutual interest in and care for one another.And if one member suffers, all the parts [share] the suffering; if one member is honored, all the members [share in] the enjoyment of it.Now you [collectively] are Christ's body and [individually] you are members of it, each part severally and distinct [each with his own place and function]." Amplified Bible

I think we as Christians get hung up too much on denominational differences. 31"But earnestly desire and zealously cultivate the greatest and best gifts and graces (the higher gifts and the choicest graces). And yet I will show you a still more excellent way [one that is better by far and the highest of them all--love]."

First I want to honor my parents, and my in-laws. They are the perfect example of unconditional love and I am very thankful for second chances...God redeeming the past.

There are so many that have shown me love the past several years within the body of Christ (specifically my church families), and those people came to mind as I was reflecting today. First and foremost those with great, Christ like attitudes in their marriages--Cindy and Steve Strickland, Mark and Joy Wells and all those in my cell group at Dothan Christian Fellowship in the late 90's early 2000s. When I served as Youth Intern at DCF, Susan Obrien taught me that it is indeed possible to be superwoman.

Marlesa and Jeff Greiner, who through their example and creating a God-centered atmosphere, taught me to "PRAISE your way through". Focus on God, and the rest falls into place.

All my friends at New Freedom Church in 2006--my brothers who treated me with the utmost respect and finally my "favorite"--Brian Barber, who I met during that time. Brian deserves a whole other blog devoted to him... You know you are the best! I've learned more from you about love, than any other.

To those I know I can count on to be there for me--Mary Lou Ninan, Christie Norris. If I needed you, you'd leap over tall buildings to get to me. I don't consider you just friends, but sisters.

Kerry and Debbie Kizer at Abundant Life Assembly of God. You made our wedding absolutely perfect, and you are true examples of standing strong and keeping the faith! "Declare a thing and it shall be established".

And finally our last church home, New Freedom Church (I attended throughout the years on Sunday evenings since 1998). For the past year and a half we have learned so much about "the Kingdom". It is within us--wherever we are! Marilyn Adams, if I could pick a mentor, it would be you. Practicality goes a long way.

So, I've rambled. These are only a few examples from each church, but there are others. I know the next season will bring more friends, more love and more joy.

Here's to a new day!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


It's interesting that my blog today is based around a song that recently caught my attention. I've heard it several times, but not until a week ago did the Holy Spirit enlighten me through the lyrics and also through some other sources. They all tied in together.

The song is "Sober" by Pink. "The quiet scares me 'cause it screams the truth". Many people today are running from their own pain. As the title of a book describes it, "Emotions buried alive never die."

Besides the fact that the basic nature of drugs and alcohol (which technically IS a drug), can be addictive, there comes a point where one must choose.

Millions, perhaps billions of people are affected by drugs. Whether it is them or a loved one.
I was really able to understand some things in a deeper way after watching a biography of a child star that went crazy in his teens--living a life of drug dealing and even charged with murder. When he was interviewed (now being clean for 17 years), he revealed the trigger of his violence and addiction...he had been sexually molested as a child. His father didn't believe him, and he felt (and was) unprotected. His choice was to run to drugs.

Back to the song--"I'm safe, up high...nothing can touch me...No pain inside--you're like perfection."

Drugs may cause a person to feel all healed up...until they wear off. Then the party is over.

Personally I have been affected by drugs and alcohol. I've even had the choice to turn there, but...chose instead to turn to God for some emotional healing. God made us to be FILLED UP--not empty. Ephesians 5:18 says, "Don't be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit."

There is an alternative to pain. For me, the road was long and took persistence to be free, but where the Spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM! I don't want to settle for a cheap substitute.
"Why do I feel this good sober?"

Friday, April 2, 2010


I don't consider myself to be someone pre-occupied with angels. In fact, I really have never focused too much on them, but sure they probably do exist.

I have been alone a lot these past few weeks, and God has gone out of His way to make sure I know that I'm not.

About 2 weeks ago, I had a check in my spirit, and several warnings from outside sources to be careful on the road...especially NEVER to text while driving. I headed the warning, and a couple of days into the week I was at a traffic light when I heard someone say "Hey!". It was an older man who assured me he was not trying to flirt with me and then with a serious tone said, "Hon, you really need to be careful on the road. I'm serious."

The next interesting incident was the other day. I was walking into a clothing store, with no one behind me or around me--the door shut, and the clerk said, "Hi, how are ya'll doing today?". I didn't really think too much about it until the next morning in my quiet time when I read Psalm 34:7 which says, " The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and delivers them." Immediately I thought of the clerk and what she said.

I am not alone! Several other things have confirmed to me that I am experiencing divine protection.

And while I am still not too pre-occupied with angels, I'm sure glad they are around.

Oh, by the way after I started typing this post (I am in a coffee shop) "Arms of the Angels" started playing.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

So Let It Rain

I was listening to a song by Misty Edwards the other day..."My Soul Longs for You". In that song, she says, "I believe You will come like the rain".

That night I had a dream. In it, the Presence of God was so thick that it was actually falling like rain. People were ecstatic. Drenched. Joyful and basking in it.

I decided to return in my Bible to a verse I had read the day before. It was about God raining down righteousness. Immediately I saw the words "Psalm 72:6", so I turned there instead.

The verse states, "May he be like rain that comes down upon the mown grass, like showers that water the earth." Upon the mown grass? I certainly feel like he is doing some pruning in my own life. I'm being prepared for the rain. How about you? Do you feel the pruning? The cleansing?

Lord we call it forth today--the rain. The fresh anointing of your presence. So let it rain!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, "Thy God reigneth!" Isaiah 52:7

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

The mountains saw Thee and they trembled; the overflowing of the water passed by; the deep uttered his voice and lifted up his hands on high. Habakkuk 3:10

And Jesus said unto them, "Because of your unbelief; for verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, `Remove hence to yonder place,' and it shall remove. And nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 17:20

There are many verses in the Bible that contain the word "mountain(s)". It is interesting to look them up and a lot of them are very significant when meditated upon.

Any mountains in your life? They are as nothing to the Lord. All things are possible with Him.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Faith and Finances

Proverbs 3:9-10 says, "Honor the Lord with your wealth, and with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats will brim over with new wine."

The previous verses tell us to trust in the Lord and in ALL of our ways acknowledge Him. This definitely includes finances. We can't just go around frivolous...the Bible also says for us to know the state of our assets.

He promises in His Word to supply ALL of our needs. As we acknowledge Him and walk in His ways, He will give us all that we need according to His riches in glory (Philipians 4:19)

And we are to walk by faith. There is no other alternative on the road of peace. Hebrews 10:38-39 says that if we are righteous we will live BY faith. And if we shrink back, He will not be pleased with us. If we believe we will be saved.

What is hindering your belief today? Bitterness? Disappointment? Let it go -- and see how good our God is!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pause, Wait and Rest

Never underestimate the power of a rest. In music, there are notes and there are also rests. I was reminded of this in my favorite devotional, "Streams in the Desert". A rest is very important to a musical piece. It gives the remainder of the piece emphasis. It promotes the tune.

Our lives are like a work of musical art. There are the comings and goings of every day life and then there are the "rests". Psalm 23 says that He leads us beside quiet waters.

Don't be afraid to pause, wait and rest. Especially when you feel like you need a break, or need to hear from God.

I Kings 9:11-12 says,

"And He said, Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake;

12And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire [a sound of gentle stillness and] a still, small voice."

Elijah found God where he least expected Him. In the pause, in the wait, and in the rest.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I Remember

"And he put on them the shoulder pieces of the ephod to be stones of memorial or rememberance for the Israelites, as the Lord had commanded Moses." Exodus 39:7

It can be a good thing to "remember".

As I woke up early this morning, just a few minutes ago actually, the air was crisp and cool. I remembered stepping outside at 3 am in Kansas City after a long conference. I remember how awesome it was to serve the Lord among ten thousand believers, and I remember the early rainy morning I left to move back home.

I remembered waking up in Spain after a long flight, and also the long nights there and the sounds of the courtyard natives singing, dancing and having a great time.

I remembered traveling to West Virginia to set up free car washes and loving the mountain air.

I remember the cold, crisp air in Rome blowing across my face as we made our way across the city, and the faces of thousands of refugees who had no blankets in below freezing weather. I remember Paul's prison and how I wept just being there. I remember seeing the altars of the martyrs where one supposedly said, "You can turn me over now--this side's done."

I remember the air in Paris and how overcast the weather was, but how intensely romantic!

I remember Jesus. I look through ten years of journals and see request after request of "Lord, please send my husband!" I remember our first kiss. :)

I remember leading a worship team in college --going to churches to share God's heartbeat with them through worship. I remember our first trip to serve, where one of my band mates lost his life in a van his first semester in college. I remember saying "No" before we left to driving that vehicle.

I remember having my life "together" and being very independent, and also when I gave it all up to go on a mission trip. I remember the bed my mother made for me in their single wide trailer and the crisp cool air inside of it.

It was a cold morning this morning. It reminded me of many other mornings and experiences.
I'm all about new beginnings. "Remember not the former things" Isaiah 43 says. However, when we pause to reflect on all that He has done for us, then our heart is stirred to hope for a better tomorrow.

I like what Heidi Baker said, "When you find out how good He is, then you find He is even better than that!"

I am looking forward to more great adventures with the Lord. They are just around the corner in the cold crisp air.