Saturday, October 9, 2010
I Will Run
Friday, October 1, 2010
A Vessel of Honor
So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.
Shun youthful lusts and flee from them, and aim at and pursue righteousness (all that is virtuous and good, right living, conformity to the will of God in thought, word, and deed); [and aim at and pursue] faith, love, [and] peace (harmony and concord with others) in fellowship with all [Christians], who call upon the Lord out of a pure heart." --2 Timothy 2:20-22
In today's society, especially our captivating world of media, we can get caught up in what the world says is acceptable and ignore the life giving truth of God's word.
It's not like God is just saying "Don't do this and that"...He gives us the right things to aim after and pursue. He gives us direction as to what we should be focusing on--Faith, love, peace, unity and fellowship with the Body of Christ.
Psalm 101:6 says, "My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land." God gives us Christian brothers and sisters to encourage us and spur us on.
May we take this challenge from the Lord seriously. In the depths of our being, let's pursue righteousness, faith, love and that we may be a vessel of honor for the Lord.