Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nothing is Impossible

With God! Mary was an extraordinary woman. Maybe that's why God picked her. The angel appeared to her in Luke 1:28 and told her that she would give birth to the Messiah. But notice, she only wanted to know, "How is this all going to happen?" not if it would happen. Basically Mary was saying, "How is all this going to go down Gabriel?". 
A lot of times in our lives we know God has made us a promise. We have no doubt that He can and will do it. It is the "getting there" that seems difficult. Almost impossible. 
As Gabriel told Mary, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you." Isn't this true for today? Without His power and anointing, our greatest efforts can be in vain. In Him we live and move and have our being.

Recently, I have been reminded that in spite of my weaknesses and shortcomings I can still do great things! With God's help. And as Luke 1:37 says-- "Nothing is impossible with God (NLT)."