Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This Season

Today while meditating I felt the Lord saying that it is very important to absorb what He is doing in the current season...fully appreciate it.

So many times we want to rush ahead to the "next" season, whatever that may be. Yesterday, I walked into Starbucks expecting the traditional fall decor (it is mid November) only to be surprised by Christmas drinks, stocking stuffers and the like. I told the young guy behind the counter, "I feel as if I am being robbed of the fall season!"

Maybe that is how God feels when we don't take time to relax and enjoy what He is currently doing. It's kind of a bad habit to rush ahead anyway. When we finally do get to the "Christmas" season of our lives are we going to want that to fly by as well?

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says that there is an appointed time for every event in our lives. Let's respect what God is currently doing and embrace it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

God Is Not Trying To Discourage You!

So many times in life we feel like we are failing and in a pit (take for instance the story of Joseph).
But Joseph made the best out of his "pit" and so can we.

There is a little voice that says, "You are always going to be stuck in this rut, don't even won't make a difference." That my friends, is NOT the voice of God.

Isaiah 42:3 says, "A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoking flax He will not quench."

The voice of our enemy says, "Oh this is the end. Things will never get any are toast."

Satan can make his lies seem like our own thoughts (insert the word "I" instead of "you" in the previous sentence).

This was a revelation to me! When he begins his banter, get in the Word of God and remember His promises over your life and let Him reveal His great love to you.

There will always be a battle going on for our minds as long as we are on this earth and especially if we are God's child. Tell those thoughts to leave in Jesus' name and recite the Word of God over your situation.

There is hope.