Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I am starting over. Again. Discovering our life's purpose is not easy sometimes.

For me, it means erasing the chalkboard of life and starting over. It comes at a time in my life where outwardly I am starting over too.

This is a good thing. No one knows what I am capable of, or what my experiences have been unless I tell them. For all they know, I could be a rocket scientist!

But in a way it is difficult. That place of performance and service was almost like a security blanket, and sometimes a way for me to "feel" close to God. I often mistook service for intimacy.

So here's what square one looks like: effortless.

Galatians 3:3 says, "Are you so foolish and so senseless and so silly? Having begun {your new life spiritually} with the Holy Spirit, are you now reaching perfection {by dependence} on the flesh?"
My old mode was one of performance. Am I doing "good" in all categories? Family, friendships, church work, my work, etc?

And now I am to be effortless. This doesn't mean not cleaning or cooking (I wish!) this means I approach life as Psalm 23:1 puts it. He leads me. Not me, or another, or my previous performance oriented personality.

My husband, a software engineer, might say that God is re-writing my code.
And He is!