Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Get out of that RUT!

I have been thinking about ruts lately. defines a rut as, " A sunken track or groove made by the passage of vehicles; a fixed, usually boring routine."

I do not want to get stuck in a rut in my life! As human beings we have to constantly remind ourselves that life is all about change. When we refuse to change, or flow with the changes God brings our way, then we cease to grow as an individual.

We like predictability. However, the only thing predictable in this world is the character of God. We trust Him. We depend on him, moving with Holy Spirit.

So, today--break out of that rut!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Considering the Body

Up early...reflecting on the past several years and those people who have really impacted my life. I've moved a few times, but mostly to do missions or go to college. But this time it feels different. I took a wrong turn yesterday and ended up going past the house where I grew up. I said "goodbye".

I'm sure we will be back to visit, but I feel a major season change. 1 Corinthians 12:25-27 says,

"So that there should be no division or discord or lack of adaptation [of the parts of the body to each other], but the members all alike should have a mutual interest in and care for one another.And if one member suffers, all the parts [share] the suffering; if one member is honored, all the members [share in] the enjoyment of it.Now you [collectively] are Christ's body and [individually] you are members of it, each part severally and distinct [each with his own place and function]." Amplified Bible

I think we as Christians get hung up too much on denominational differences. 31"But earnestly desire and zealously cultivate the greatest and best gifts and graces (the higher gifts and the choicest graces). And yet I will show you a still more excellent way [one that is better by far and the highest of them all--love]."

First I want to honor my parents, and my in-laws. They are the perfect example of unconditional love and I am very thankful for second chances...God redeeming the past.

There are so many that have shown me love the past several years within the body of Christ (specifically my church families), and those people came to mind as I was reflecting today. First and foremost those with great, Christ like attitudes in their marriages--Cindy and Steve Strickland, Mark and Joy Wells and all those in my cell group at Dothan Christian Fellowship in the late 90's early 2000s. When I served as Youth Intern at DCF, Susan Obrien taught me that it is indeed possible to be superwoman.

Marlesa and Jeff Greiner, who through their example and creating a God-centered atmosphere, taught me to "PRAISE your way through". Focus on God, and the rest falls into place.

All my friends at New Freedom Church in 2006--my brothers who treated me with the utmost respect and finally my "favorite"--Brian Barber, who I met during that time. Brian deserves a whole other blog devoted to him... You know you are the best! I've learned more from you about love, than any other.

To those I know I can count on to be there for me--Mary Lou Ninan, Christie Norris. If I needed you, you'd leap over tall buildings to get to me. I don't consider you just friends, but sisters.

Kerry and Debbie Kizer at Abundant Life Assembly of God. You made our wedding absolutely perfect, and you are true examples of standing strong and keeping the faith! "Declare a thing and it shall be established".

And finally our last church home, New Freedom Church (I attended throughout the years on Sunday evenings since 1998). For the past year and a half we have learned so much about "the Kingdom". It is within us--wherever we are! Marilyn Adams, if I could pick a mentor, it would be you. Practicality goes a long way.

So, I've rambled. These are only a few examples from each church, but there are others. I know the next season will bring more friends, more love and more joy.

Here's to a new day!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


It's interesting that my blog today is based around a song that recently caught my attention. I've heard it several times, but not until a week ago did the Holy Spirit enlighten me through the lyrics and also through some other sources. They all tied in together.

The song is "Sober" by Pink. "The quiet scares me 'cause it screams the truth". Many people today are running from their own pain. As the title of a book describes it, "Emotions buried alive never die."

Besides the fact that the basic nature of drugs and alcohol (which technically IS a drug), can be addictive, there comes a point where one must choose.

Millions, perhaps billions of people are affected by drugs. Whether it is them or a loved one.
I was really able to understand some things in a deeper way after watching a biography of a child star that went crazy in his teens--living a life of drug dealing and even charged with murder. When he was interviewed (now being clean for 17 years), he revealed the trigger of his violence and addiction...he had been sexually molested as a child. His father didn't believe him, and he felt (and was) unprotected. His choice was to run to drugs.

Back to the song--"I'm safe, up high...nothing can touch me...No pain inside--you're like perfection."

Drugs may cause a person to feel all healed up...until they wear off. Then the party is over.

Personally I have been affected by drugs and alcohol. I've even had the choice to turn there, but...chose instead to turn to God for some emotional healing. God made us to be FILLED UP--not empty. Ephesians 5:18 says, "Don't be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit."

There is an alternative to pain. For me, the road was long and took persistence to be free, but where the Spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM! I don't want to settle for a cheap substitute.
"Why do I feel this good sober?"