Monday, December 7, 2009

Go Shawty

It's my birthday! Spiritual birthday, that is. On this day 12 years ago, I saw a dream come to pass. I had a terrible sickness for a year that went un-diagnosed. This Methodist raised young woman was hoping to be healed. I had a prophetic dream that I was "slain in the Spirit", and it came to pass at a healing crusade December 7, 1997.

I've never been the same. As I began to reflect on the past 12 years today, my thoughts lingered in the past for a second, but turned and focused primarily on the present and future.

You see, the number twelve is significant. Biblically it can represent authority or perfection of government. This year (especially since going through a trying time these past 2 months) I have become a more strong and confident individual. Part of my success can be attributed to Brian. He encourages me to experience the FREEDOM I have in Christ, and to get out of the box of rules, regulations and self-imposed laws. I have learned the importance of following God, not man.

But thanks be to God, I can finally say I know who I am in Christ. This is totally the work of Holy Spirit in my life, and came mainly through studying the Scriptures. I know there is more to learn!!

I just want to say that I love Holy Spirit more now than ever. Here's a good example of the freedom He brings. The other day I realized that instead of telling people "no" straight forwardly, I had a tendency to say, "Well, I might not..." Immediately He brought to mind a principle. If you were abused in the past, you can fall into the trap of insecurity, lacking confidence in communication. He said, "KD, you can just say 'no'."

I use that example to say that I certainly feel like it's been 12 years. My soul has been pruned tremendously. Hundreds of "issues" worked through, and thousands of lies exposed. But now I am begining to walk in power and awesome God-given authority.

Jesus said, "All authority on Heaven and earth has been given to Me. Therefore, Go and make disciples of all nations... (Matthew 28:18)." We are in Christ. I believe I am a walking miracle, and so is everyone who has been baptized into Christ. We have the power we need to help a hurting world.

I am ready to go on the next mission. More details later on that.

Nothing I've ever given up for Christ has ever been missed. He's given me 100 times more than I've ever given up for Him. Mark 10:30 says we will have 100 times (in THIS life) as much as we've given up for Him. I am looking forward to what He has in store in the years to come!

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